0        0            0            0                0                  0           1            10        0           0        1      1           1               1             1                 1

Ministry of Development Planning                                 0        0            0            0                0                  0 1      1           1               1             1                 1

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Bureau of Statistics is Government department under the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning mandated to set up a system for national official statistics on economic, social, demographic, including human resources, and environmental areas in relation to the development needs of Lesotho; and official statistics for purposes of economic and social planning, research, public information and international cooperation, and for related matter.

Total Population (Census 2016): 2,007,201     Inflation rate (June 2024): 6.5%     Unemployment rate (LFS 2019): 22.5%     Real GDP (2022): 20,180 Million Maloti     Q1 2024 GDP Growth Rate (Year on Year): 2.0%


Key Indicators

Indicator Name Source Indicator  
  De Jure Population

Census 2016

  Inflation rate June 2024 6.5%  
  Unemployment rate LFS 2019 22.5%  
  Infant mortality Census 2016 53.3  
  Child mortality Census 2016 28.4  
  Under-Five mortality Census 2016 80.2  
  Maternal mortality Census 2016 618  
  Total Fertility Rate (TFR) Census 2016 3.2  
  Life Expectancy at birth (Females) Census 2016 59.6  
  Life Expectancy at birth (Males) Census 2016 51.7  
  GDP growth rate QGDP 1st Quarter 2024 2.0%  
  GDP at current prices QGDP 1st Quarter 2024 M 10 076m  
  GDP at constant prices (Real GDP) QGDP 1st Quarter 2024 M 5 186m  
  GNI Per Capita current prices 2022 Annual National Accounts M 20 1880  
  GNI Per Capita constant prices 2022 Annual National Accounts M 10 196  
  Food Poverty Line 2017/18 Poverty Trends M 352.39  
  Poverty Line 2017/18 Poverty Trends M 648.88  
  Poverty rate 2017/18 Poverty Trends 49.7%  
  Poverty Gap 2017/18 Poverty Trends 21.9%  
. . .



  Cattle Livestock Statistics–2021/2022 594,664  
  Sheep Livestock Statistics–2021/2022 2,377,809  
  Goats Livestock Statistics–2021/2022 957,522  

Crops 2021/22                      

Maize   Sorghum   Wheat  
  Yield per hectare for 1920/21


0.30   0.60  
  Area Planted (ha) for 2021/22 129,088   24,079   6,885  
  Production (mt) for 2021/22 72,076   4,013   5,648  




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Bureau of Statistics
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Tel: +266 22 326393 (Maseru Avani offices)
Fax: +266 22 310177

Release Calendar for 2024/2025



BOS Data Dissemination Policy

Communication, advocacy and Dissemination Strategy

Strategic Plan for Agriculture and Rural Statistics (SPARS) 2019/20

National Strategy for Development of Statistics (NSDS) 2022/23 - 2026/27

Lesotho Consumer Price Index Metadata





Office of the Director, Tel: +266 22 323127


    Population Statistics Division, Tel: +266 22 317742
Human Resource Office, Tel: +266 22 323852 National Accounts & Enterprise Statistics Division, Tel: +266 22 31 7703
Finance Office, Tel: +266 22 317801 Foreign Trade & Prices Statistics Division, Tel: +266 22 317808
Procurement Office, Tel: +266 22 317725 Socio Economic Statistics Division, Tel:+266 22 317715
Administration Office, Tel: +266 22 317702 Agriculture & Food Security Statistics Division, Tel:+266 22 317721
Data Dissemination, Tel: +266 22 317803 Energy & Environment Statistics Division, Tel:+266 22 317730


Survey Methodology & Cartography: Tel:+266 22 317732

Field Organisation: Tel:+266 22 325777

Information & Communications Technology: Tel:+266 22 31 7802


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