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Lesotho Bureau of Statistics

About BOS


A brief history of Bureau of Statistics

The little available information indicates that bureau of statistics (BOS) grew out of a statistical unit of the ministry of agriculture around 1964. However, there is an indication that statistical activities in the fields of agriculture and population started long before the birth of the BOS. Lesotho has had decennial censuses of agriculture from 1949 and decennial population censuses as far back as 1875. Activities in general statistics surfaced in 1965 when the statistics act of 1965 was passed. This act provides for collection, analysis and dissemination of statistical data and does not make provision for the coordination of statistical activities. It has, however, been informally accepted that BOS is performing that role even without the legal backing. Since that time plans were then afoot to provide that legal backing.

In 1982, the structure of the BOS included a deputy director who, besides heading the field operation division, oversees the division and is responsible to the director of statistics. The substantive divisions then were: Trade and Economic statistics, Demography and Social statistics, Data processing. Later on changes were made to accommodate a division responsible for field operation and support services. The position of Deputy Director was redesignated Chief Statistician responsible for the new division. Agricultural Statistics

Regarding personnel, the available information reveal that at the formation of the Bureau of Statistics there was one Director and two Statisticians and in 1967, two years later, the establishment stood at one Director, one Deputy Director, three statistician and four posts of Statistical Officer of which three were filled. During this era, qualified personnel were in short supply and there was inadequate funding to achieve the staff component which would adequately carry out the statistical undertakings enumerated in the Statistics Act 1965.

In 1980, the Data Processing Division came into existence thus ushering in a new occupational group within the statistical service. It is worth mentioning that the group that was ushered into the statistical service did not come from outside, existing staff was retrained.

Today BOS has positioned itself. This has let to renaming, allocation and reshuffling of offices and divisions. The divisions are as follows: Agriculture &Food security Statistics, Environmental & Energy Statistics, Population Statistics, Socio Economic Statistics, National Accounts & Enterprise statistics, Foreign trade & Price statistics, Survey Methodology and Cartography, Field Organization, Information and Communications Technology.

A. Statistics Act 2001

B. National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) - 2022/23 - 2026/27

C. Strategic Plan for Agriculture and Rural Statistics (SPARS) 2019/20

D. BOS Organogram

E. Concepts and Definitions

F. BOS Data Dissemination Policy

G. Communication, advocacy and Dissemination Strategy