National Statistics

 About Bureau of Statistics

About Bureau of Statistics (BOS)

Bureau of Statistics is a government department under the Ministry of Development Planning mandated to set up a system for national official statistics on economic, social, demographic, including human resources, and environmental areas in relation to the development needs of Lesotho; and official statistics for purposes of economic and social planning, research, public information and international cooperation, and for related matter.

Mission Statement

To Coordinate the National Statistical System (NSS) and produce accurate, timely, reliable, culturally relevant and internationally comparable statistical data for evidence-based planning, decision making, research, policy, program formulation and monitoring and evaluation to satisfy the needs of users and producers.


To become a leading authority in the collection, production and dissemination of statistics, manned with well trained and motivated staff that is committed to supporting the national development agenda and enhancing socio-economic policy formulation, planning and decision making processes and monitoring and evaluation.

Key Outputs

The following will be the key outputs of the Bureau of Statistics during the 2008/9-2011 planning period:

Social statistics: These shall include population characteristics and demographic statistics, gender statistics, vital statistics, labor statistics, education statistics, health statistics, tourism statistics, correctional services statistics and crime statistics.

Economic Statistics: These shall include national accounts statistics, price statistics, foreign trade statistics, enterprise statistics, transport and communication statistics, industrial statistics and poverty statistics.

Agricultural statistics: These shall include livestock statistics, crops statistics and environmental statistics.

Other Statistics: These shall include national censuses, household budget surveys, continuous multi-purpose survey, land statistics, water and sanitation statistics, energy statistics, infrastructure statistics and geographic data.

The Core Values

The Bureau of Statistics shall embrace the following core values and guiding principles in its work:

User- orientation - We shall involve our data producers and users and take cognizance of their priorities in all our activities.

Quality - We shall develop and maintain the credibility of the Bureau by producing high quality statistical products guided by the key principles of timeliness, completeness, reliability and relevance.

Efficiency - We shall strive for teamwork, networking, co-operation, motivation, responsibility,   creativity, innovation and efficient management of resources in all our activities.

Confidentiality - We shall ensure that the identity of sources of data remain confidential at all times

Professionalism - All of BOS products and services shall be developed by qualified and competent personnel

Accessibility - Statistical information generated by BOS will be accessible in its simplified form to all users

Office of the Director
Bureau of Statistics
P.O. Box 445
Maseru 100, LESOTHO
Tel. (+266) 22 325349-Direct,  Tel. (+266) 22 323852-Ext. 210
Fax (+266) 22 310177